The Loss of Everett Austin Rutledge- Part 1

I found out I was pregnant the earliest I have ever known. We were not trying and we thought we were done but God had bigger plans than ourselves. I had a strong feeling that month that I was pregnant, because I knew my body with pregnancies at that point. I became nauseous extremely early on around week 4.5 (he was the easiest on me with the morning sickness) and I felt him move at 7 weeks. It seems crazy but I do know for a fact I felt flutters, and anytime I leaned forward and sort of "squished" my belly, he would move. He was always a mover and I loved it. He reminded me of Easton when in the womb who was a mover as well. When Easton became bigger he would actually hurt me when he rolled with his arms. Everett was always awake the most at night when I would lay down, especially if I laid the wrong way. He was my night owl buddy. He responded to noises and voices and a few times Lincoln bumped a chair, it would make him jump in my belly. The same happened whenever I would...