I never knew Atlanta, Texas existed before we moved here. When Jacob first told me about it I said, "as in like Atlanta, Georgia??" Yes I am a Texan, born and raised (well for the majority of my life), and I am proud of it! But I have always been a city girl and always will be at heart. When Jacob and I got married we lived in Austin in an apartment for the first year. He was finishing up his last year in school, and I found a part-time job as a Nanny for a family with 2 kids. People might think that Austin is a terrible place to live with all the traffic and the "hippies", but to be honest once we got accustomed to living there we didn't even think anything of it. Sure there was traffic, people didn't know what a blinker was, and there was some weird people, but we were close to every thing, we had a great congregation there (one at which my dad met my mom in and even got married at), lots of friends near by, and it's the capitol of ...