Welcome 2013!

So I am new to this whole blog thing for the most part. I had a tumblr when I first started dating my hubby and that was pretty much only used for venting my feelings somewhere where no one I knew could read it, unless I wanted them to. Now being a new year and having a family of my own, I thought I might give a blog a try and see if it is something I would like to keep up with.

Well I rang in the new year with the flu...not something I planned on doing and it was quite miserable. A few days before New Years I got the flu and was cooped up in my room for 2 1/2 days to keep J and N from catching it. It lingered for about 5 days till I felt 100% myself again and that was after a doctors visit and a shot. I am feeling much better now and was able to get out today and go to worship yesterday for the first time in over a week. Being cooped up in the room without seeing N for 2 days straight was one of the hardest things I've had to do with her. Even though she was in the same house I felt miles apart. I missed her terribly and I only realized how I literally could not live my life without her. She would brighten up my day by just blowing a kiss to me from across the room. I am just thankful that she could avoid this and that I got it instead of her. 

Now that we are all well again I have continued on with our usual daily routine as a stay at home mom/wife. Even though I might not have rang in the New Year feeling all that well, I still have hope that this will be a good year for my family, and I pray that I will only strive to do what the Lord would have me to do and in doing that, being a good example to those around me.


  1. Love your blog! Looks like we both had the same idea to start a blog! Haha..how cool is that? :)

  2. oh hey! ha awesome! yeah definitely gonna take some getting use to and a lot of thought before I "make it public" :) But I hope some people enjoy it! Or it could just be a way for me to write how I am feeling. :)


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