Hello to 2017

I can't believe 2016 is coming to an end! So many things happened in 2016. But what I am grateful for is a New Year to do things over again. For however much time God allows, I am thankful for each and every day we have to live. We have so many chances to mess up and stray from Him, but He continues to love us and give us another chance to make things right in Him. And I have learned about God's grace more than I ever have in 2016. One of my favorite verses now is Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you." I think this verse is a good daily reminder for anyone who wants to be more like Christ.

With this new year I have a few resolutions in mind, but one I plan on working on is not being so hard on myself. I tend to beat myself down with a lot of things and if I don't accept what is, I won't learn to be a better version of myself. And if I'm a better version of myself then I can be a better wife, preacher's wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend. God has loved me despite my mistakes and failings, just like He loves all of us in the same way, and that gives me comfort and joy. And this new year I plan on focusing on the positive. Focusing on my blessings and the new adventures coming our way. We have a some exciting things coming our way, Lord willing, that we will share with you all when the time is right.

Lastly I plan on doing my best to pick two different people each week and praying for them on their behalf. I know when people have told me that they have been praying for me, it has meant the world to me and it has encouraged me more than they knew. Sometimes we are going through things that others don't know about and you can feel alone, but to hear that someone is praying for you despite them knowing details, makes us feel like we can get through our slump, our difficult times. There is so much power in prayer and I plan on praying more this year than I did this past year. I know I would continue to appreciate prayers on my behalf for strength and positivity.

Not to mention starting January 1st I am officially the one and only "Preacher's wife" at Dripping Springs, as Jacob will step up as the main pulpit minster. I am excited and a little nervous. I was blessed to be able to work alongside Carla this past year as I learned the congregation more. And I am looking forward to getting to know everyone a little bit better in the coming years. I know the church here will continue to love us and support us as a family, just like they have been doing from the very beginning. We are so blessed to be able to work with a loving congregation that knows the truth and wants to grow His kingdom.

I love having the feeling of a fresh start of a new year, but that doesn't mean we can't start fresh at anytime in the year. Any day or any week can be your new beginning. We don't have to wait for a New Year before we start up at the gym, or start reading our bible more, or start coming to worship more, and so on and so forth. Any day could be our last day on earth, any year could be our last year! So why not start doing better now? With whatever you've been struggling to do better with, you CAN set your mind to it and you CAN do better. God has blessed us with another day to live to, to breathe, to love, so make it your best! 

I also plan on blogging more about our new adventures and things in life so I hope you will stay tuned AND I appreciate each one of you who takes interest in me and my family and supports us. We love you all. Happy New Year!


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