Happy New Year!

This time last year I had no idea what the New Year would bring, and little did I know we would be starting a new chapter of our lives somewhere else. This year has definitely been a rollercoaster ride. One of the harder years I’ve had in a while. Your will for your life might not be God's will, but you have to trust Him and have faith that things will work out for the better no matter where life takes you. 

This year I got to celebrate my baby boy’s first birthday; (I can’t believe soon it will be two years since his birth!) first birthday’s are always a memorable one for me. And one of the highlights of my year was going with my best friend to see New Kids on the Block. I had so much fun and I was able to just kick back and enjoy myself for 4 hours while putting all the emotional stress aside. And I’m so grateful to my best friend who came along with me so I didn’t have to enjoy it alone. It will be a time I won’t forget! 

But as there were great times with friends where we laughed and made great memories, there was also a lot of tears. And goodbyes are the hardest thing for me. Many of you might not realize the emotions that come with moving. Some people may have had the idea that we were happy in Atlanta, but happy to move to Dripping, and we just stayed happy because of how blessed we've been. And while that’s very true in both senses, that does not mean it’s an easy transition. It always seems to be one of the hardest things for me to do...to let go. And it has been such a bittersweet year for many reasons. 

It’s harder for someone like me to deal with such big changes because I’m an introvert. It’s hard for me to get out and meet new people, but I do it. It’s hard for me to be friendly, but I do it. I push myself even when I’m uncomfortable, but then theres only so much I can take. And then I find myself taking a quick break, alone in the bathroom, or in the car, etc. (something I’ve always done not just this year). It’s a lot of adjusting. And many don’t realize how hard that is. I’m human. I’m going to be sad, I’m going to miss my friends even if I am enjoying where we are, I'm going to struggle spiritually, I’m going to feel uncomfortable a lot of the time. But I find comfort in knowing that I can get through this, because I have before. And that we can keep in touch with family and friends much easier because technology is amazing! And I find comfort in knowing that we will make lifelong friendships where ever we go, and that we will continue to wherever life takes us. (I have learned a little of this by experiencing it firsthand after moving 5 times that I remember well.)

I’m am also learning a lot of things along the way. I feel like God challenges us spiritually because He wants us to grow and become a better Christian. And because of being a preacher’s family, growth is required so we can better ourselves to help spread the gospel to others, and help others grow in their faith. Because that is what my husband chose to do in this life, and I vowed to stay by his side till death to do us part. Being a preacher's family can be one of the hardest jobs, but at the same time it can be the most rewarding. In the words of my husband, "we aren’t called to live a comfortable life." Maybe at times we are being disciplined by God and He is using that time to draw us closer to Him. 

So even when things might get hard, we are to have faith and trust that God’s will will work out for the best. Whatever we are going through the main thing to remember God is in control, He loves us, have faith that things will work out for His good, friendships can last for a lifetime, and last but not least, this world is not our home. All of these give me comfort. And I am extremely thankful to God for continually watching over us even when I'm unsure. "Casting all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you." - 1 Peter 5:7

So in this new year I plan to make some changes in my life to help me grow closer to God, and to be more positive and more patient. I also plan to strive to have healthier lifestyle and have better control over my cravings; exercise is on my list! Prayers for me would be appreciated as I plan to do better this next year in the things I have been struggling with emotionally and physically. There's nothing like the bond between brother's and sister's in Christ! And I'm thankful to all the friends I have who have been there for me along the way. I love you all. 

Most of all I am so thankful to have such a loving, sensitive, passionate, godly man by my side. And I'm so thankful for our two children that we created together that make life better. Just thinking about how blessed I am to have them in my life makes my heart swell, and I could never thank God enough for them.

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year! Make 2016 the best one yet.


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